
Only the right calls: The telemarketing hit already in Poland!

May 18, 2012 | Press Release

Are you looking for a solution to help you make the most of your agents’ working time and at the same time take care of your clients’ comfort in telesales campaigns? Until now combining these two features was really difficult. Now, it is not a problem anymore. Comtrust, SAP BCM service provider, is introducing a new, intelligent functionality onto the Polish market: a solution that connects and classifies calls basing on the information from a telecommunication network.

The new SAP solution, SIP Early Media, will help you make the most of your agents’ working time, and your clients will not be getting annoyed while waiting to be put through to an agent or receiving phone calls from “robots”.

Until now, the speed of work at call centres was ensured by predictive diallers – robots which make more phone calls than there are agents available and working at given time. Even the best diallers with inbuilt algorithms tactfully reveal that customers are in massive telemarketing campaign. Most often there are moments of silence which can be easily heard by a sophisticated ear at the moment of answering the phone. In the case of the so called “pseudo-diallers” clients realise what is going on faster since the diallers establish phone calls even when no agent is available. Clients receive “dead calls” which irritate them and provoke a negative attitude even before the actual conversation starts.

The new SIP Early Media SAP BCM solution is a mechanism which does not only dial numbers in call centres but also reads information from a telecommunications network. In practice, an agent gets a call to handle only when there is a ringing tone and they never waste time listening to a busy line signal or messages such as: “the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable”. If there is no answer, SAP BCM automatically classifies the call and establishes a new connection. This makes agents start their work exactly when they are due to hold a conversation. As for clients, upon answering the phone, they are immediately put through to a consultant and have the impression of being treated individually, and not as part of a telemarketing campaign like it sometimes happens now.

SIP Early Media differs from a predictive dialler mainly in that it does not make an excessive number of calls. At the same time it enables you to make the most of your workforce, which is of paramount importance from a financial point of view. Additionally, it guarantees client comfort: a fundamental value in building customer loyalty. Although the SAP BCM predictive dialler meets the most restrictive telemarketing standards of American and British markets, its manufacturer has decided to expand the offer with SIP Early Media. It is their answer to the market needs connected with current trends and the changing attitude towards telesales and telemarketing campaigns. In short, client always remains in the centre of attention.

The new SAP BCM functionality comes with all automatic dialling modes available on the market, which can be used for purposes of different campaigns depending on their specificity.

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