Industry phone always rings loudly. Our test
Test passed successfully! Comtrust integrated ATP-VoIP phone with Benemen unified communications and Skype for business. ATP-VoIP is made by Telkom-Telos in Poland.
Comtrust completed tests for its customer Paroc. Paroc Group is an international stone wool insulation producer. Paroc’s head office is in Finland, production facilities are located in four countries including Poland, and representative offices across 14 countries. Paroc was looking for the terminal that works in noisy factory conditions. Demand was it should ring loudly and have clear and bright light indicator of incoming call. Additionally, it should support SIP protocol to enable modern communications. All Paroc branches including Poland are operating under BeneCloud, Benemen’s cloud based communications platform that unifies different communication channels under one cloud based solution. Skype for Business is part of the integrated solution and therefore ATP-VoIP was the best option to be selected.
ATP-VoIP is an industry phone that allows calls to end the Internet network LAN or WAN via IP. It is designed to be used in public places with extremely heavy working conditions, for example in places with very high humidity, noise, dust, exposure to mechanical, chemical pollution of the atmosphere. The high volume of ringtone and very intense traffic lights signal ensure the effectiveness of call handling in high rough conditions. Phone can also operate in very extreme temperatures from -20C to + 60C!
ATP-VoIP configuration was an interesting part of the tests. Especially the way how to get information for the configuration of the phone. In the case of the most popular office phones there is a display that shows all necessary information. ATP-VoIP has no display. Instead of the display there is an internal inbuilt IVR with a pleasant voice which provides you with all necessary information about the phone configuration. Instructions are clear, logical and easy to configure.
ATP-VoIP configuration and integration with BeneCloud is done. It works perfectly. The ringtone is so loud that you can hear it even outside the office building. All telecommunication events are recorded in Benemen database, visible in reports, availability in Skype for business is updated and call recordings can be saved in CRM.
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