“Human-Artificial Intelligence Collaboration” project launches on 25 February 2022.
In a digital world, we all, both customers and employees, want to get more with less effort. This combination is meant to give us a better experience. One of the technologies behind this is artificial intelligence, properly learned and integrated into business systems.
Talking about artificial intelligence, we mean its most advanced form – which works and collaborates with people, which enables integration with business systems and guarantees data security. Why? Only such a system environment will give humans and AI access to the same data and enable them to work together. Organisations, on the other hand, will achieve the best results as they combine human potential with the power of artificial intelligence and enhance their strengths – the creativity and social skills of one and the speed and accessibility of the other.
Are you considering AI? Do you know which systems to integrate and how? How to connect humans and AI? What is changing in the management of such ‘mixed’ teams? Which processes to transfer to AI and which to leave to humans? Is it possible to put all service and sales in the hands of AI? If AI solves 10% of requests independently is this a good or satisfactory result? How long does it take for AI to really know it can? How do you teach AI that it doesn’t know how to deal with something and should give the case to a human?
There are questions, and there are challenges. Nobody asks “if AI” anymore, but “when and how”. Therefore – based on our experience and interdisciplinary knowledge – we are launching an educational project. If your company is not involved in projects where we discuss “Human-AI Collaboration” and you would like to know more, please contact joanna.pytlakowska@comtrust.pl.
The “Human-Artificial Intelligence Collaboration” project launches on 25 February 2022, at the Polish Business Institute conference. The next meeting is SAP Utilities Day – Poznań, 3 March 2022.
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