
Nordkalk integrates communication of the production plants, mines and offices

Feb 13, 2018 | Press Release

Nordkalk completed the implementation of BeneCloud unified communication and connected into one system five Polish locations including production plants, mines and offices. Finnish Benemen is the system supplier and implemented it together with Benemen Poland and its partner Comtrust. The distinguishing features of the project are complexity and integration of analogue and digital telephony.

Nordkalk is the leading company providing limestone-based products and solutions in Northern Europe, with more than 20 locations around the Baltic Sea and in Central Europe. The company has been operating in Poland since 1997 and products lime fertilizer and products for the sugar and road industry in three mines in Poland.

Nordkalk’s combines its locations in Poland like Kraków, Miedzianka, Sławno, Wolica and Szczecin into one communication platform delivered from the cloud. Employees use the system using VoIP and analogue telephones. Some users are also integrated with Skype for businesses.

“The implementation project takes into account the specificity of the mining industry – said Paweł Gac responsible for the implementation from Comtrust. Mines have traditional IT infrastructure and we had to keep analogue telephony in the places where there aren’t new wiring or Wi-Fi. We connected in BeneCloud via a special gateway analog phones and dedicated specialist devices such as SOS phones. The VoIP Gateway converts analog voice and dialling signals into digital ones, so mine’s employees can use unified communications without a computer.”

Currently, more and more companies are switching to integrated communication because it reduces costs, improves work efficiency and management. Nordkalk chose Benemen solution because it can integrate the company’s European branches into one platform and the functionality can be changed as needed. Poland is the second country after Finland to work for BeneCloud, others are in progress.

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